Children are our future.

My philosophy on Education:

I believe we are all learners, and learning is a continuous process that can occur anytime and anywhere. With the world as our classroom, academic and life skills are intertwined, and we achieve more meaningful learning. I believe together we can support children’s learning, both for their benefit and the benefit of society. I believe everyone deserves access to quality learning experiences, and the opportunity to love learning.

When working with children I aim to provide a learning environment where everyone is healthy, safe, supported, engaged, and challenged, so they can learn to the best of their ability. Attending to the whole-child, and providing experiences based on their interests and needs allows for development in all areas and encourages intrinsic motivation. I believe that incorporating social-emotional learning allows for the development of essential life skills such as confidence, communication, problem-solving, planning, flexibility, reflection, and self-management.

I believe the outdoors and natural world are extremely beneficial to human development. Time outdoors inspires inquiry, critical thinking, problem-solving, mindfulness, and much more. Physically, while outdoors we gain better overall health, reducing stress, and encourage better sleep patterns. Young people need outdoor opportunities to explore risks and develop physical skills, strength, and their vestibular system. Incorporating all of the above allows children to be more functional learners. Additionally, spending time outdoors in all types of weather develops resilience, provides vast opportunities to build knowledge, and encourages an appreciation for our natural world.

I believe creativity is our future. I believe experience and inquiry provide excellent learning opportunities. Playful, active engagement inspires interest, piquing curiosity and creating multiple learning pathways. Inquiry and subject integration go hand in hand to create interest and depth of understanding. When we are interested, we pay more attention, work harder, integrate multiple skills, process the information better, engage in critical thinking, build connections, and learn at a deeper level. 

I believe a growth mindset encourages the appropriate risk-taking that is needed for progress. The affirmations “You can do hard things” and "Practice makes progress" encourage us to meet challenges, push through self-limiting beliefs, and gain confidence. Together we can cheer each other's growth! 

I believe that a love of reading is a gift we must share with children. When working with children I gather books to interest and inspire, and provide time and space to enjoy them. Books evoke students’ imaginations, creativity, and curiosity. I encourage knowledge retention through the process of asking questions, and then seeking answers in books which teaches research skills as well as practices delayed gratification.

I believe reflection is an important part of the learning process, a time to make meaning and deepen understanding. Daily reflection time allows learners to share their experiences, accomplishments, and struggles. This encourages children to consider strengths and struggles, and where our learning experience will take us next. Reflecting cooperatively allows for the development of social skills and prepares children to be reflective and goal-oriented humans. Furthermore, reflection on learning experiences better cement neural pathways for improved retention and understanding.

     -Jamie Cowan

    “Education is not an affair of telling and being told, but an active and constructive process.” -John Dewey

Jamie Cowan

Mother - Educator - Creator

Jamie has recognized the value of creativity since a young age. Growing up, her room was a hodgepodge of creative projects… Every activity Jamie enjoyed was viewed through the lens of an artist… be it building an elaborate village with LEGO, painting intricate nail designs, redesigning her bedroom, sketching, writing, scrapbooking, or pottery! As an adult, Jamie found her niche in creative thinking... possibly because as a busy mom & educator she forgot to make time for the arts she once enjoyed. Ultimately, Jamie honed her skill of looking inside, outside, and around the box in her approach as an educator. Recognizing that the standard boxed package for education does not always fit every child well, she enjoys exploring how other pieces fit the beautiful collage of a learning journey. 

Operating an in-home childcare, teaching preschool, and opening a private school have honed her creative thinking as an educator. Jamie found the magic key to be integrating the arts and sciences into other subjects. Once inspired by the work of Ken Robinson on creativity in education, Jamie now focuses on creating and supporting environments for curiosity and creativity as a means to encourage others to grow through their own learning journey.

Jamie holds a Master’s of Science in Education


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