Launch Curiosity

Curiosity is innate in humans. Think about it…

It is the motivator to roll over as infants, to crawl, walk, reach.

At what point does curiosity diminish, or does it simply go dormant as we grow out of practice?

In my work with younger students, the practice and development of curiosity is a foremost objective. Through practicing the skills of curiosity: wonder, questioning, investigation, and connection we develop children’s curiosity as well as critical thinking, scientific and research skills, excitement for reading and much more!

How Do We Weave Curiosity Into Every School Day?

Use Inquiry.

Inquiry-based instruction sparks curiosity so that learners are motivated to seek the answers rather than receive information passively from an adult source… No Thank You Lectures!

Start Small

Working with preschool and kindergarten aged children, I love to start with an inquiry into insects.

This accomplishes many things that set us up for success:

  1. Turn fear into fascination… so they stop screaming and running from bugs!

  2. Practice attention to detail and curiosity.

  3. Establish respect for creatures of all sizes…

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Learning through experience together.

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